COVID-19 Update 3/26/20

Lauterbach Group, Inc. is operation under an executive Safe at Home order by the State of Wisconsin. We, of course, recognize the importance of this declaration and we put the health and well-being of our employees and their families above all else. We are monitoring and abiding the latest recommendations from the CDC.

With that said, our label products do support “essential services” as they are used in the transportation, food, and medical industries. We are committed to supporting the manufacturers of cleaners and disinfectants, baby wipes, medical suppliers and many essential food products.

We are here to serve you as our client and the products you produce to the market. We activated our disaster recovery plan and will continue to operate within that plan.

  1. Our existing office staff has adapted and is working from home.
  2. Our sales and service employees are conducting virtual meetings and phone regularly; we are available via phone, email, instant message, and the likes of Skype.
  3. Our production staff is in full operation to support the need for food, transportation, and medical supply products needed in the market.
    1. We will continue in full production operation.
    2. We maintain the highest of cleaning and personal hygiene standards to keep our facilities sanitary.
    3. Visitors and non-essential personnel are prohibited from entering our facility, including logistics.
  4. Please understand that we are here; materials are available but the supply chain is stressed. Lead-times are lengthening.
  5. We have an integrated ERP system within our company and with our suppliers to manage information and need.

We need to help the supply chain understand needs so they can support rather than react. We will get through this with continuous integration with our clients and with our suppliers, which is critical to supporting the total market.

Lauterbach Group, Inc. is committed to supporting America’s citizens and essential businesses at this critically time of need. Together, we will overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.


Shane Lauterbach


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